In our meetings, we conduct presentations on topics pertaining to the above. The most outstanding presentations from our conferences and other gatherings are published in our semi-annual journal Interbeing. We also welcome other submissions into Interbeing. Please visit the journal website. . Interbeing is a refereed academic journal that publishes research papers in the business field, with a specific focus on personal and professional mastery. All submissions are subject to a double blind review process.
Manuscripts should be professionally proofread before submission. Submitted manuscripts should comply with the submission guidelines (APA 6 format).
Interbeing's Purpose:
Interbeing was created to reach out to individuals worldwide in order to establish greater connection through personal excellence and self-knowledge. Interbeing is registered in Cabell's Registry for Management, and its contents are available for research through ProQuest and EBSCO's databases.
Our other semi-annual journal JGBI - Journal of Global Business Issues, focuses more on the global implementation and development of business. We also welcome submissions into JGBI. Please visit the journal website.
. Journal of Global Business Issues (JGBI), is a refereed academic journal that publishes scientific research findings in the business field. All submissions are subject to a double blind review process. Manuscripts should be professionally proofread before submission. Submitted manuscripts should comply with the submission guidelines (APA 6 format).
JGBI's Purpose:
JGBI serves as a vehicle for researchers and practitioners in the field of Business, and is geared toward enabling a process of sharing in all fields related to the business environment, in order to enhance the quality of business performance on a global scale. JGBI is registered in Cabell's Registry for Management, Accounting, and Finance, and its contents are available for research through ProQuest and EBSCO's databases.